Watch The Eagles Introduce Deacon Frey at Classic West

The Eagles are back and in place of the late Glenn Frey is his exceptionally talented doppelganger son, Deacon Frey.

In fan-shot video from the concert this past weekend we see guitarist Joe Walsh address the audience after taking the stage. 

"This one's for you, Glenn," Walsh says, pointing to the sky. "You're in our hearts tonight and the music goes on. Ladies and gentlemen, please give a warm Eagles family welcome to Deacon Frey."

After taking a bow the younger Frey and the band began a stirring rendition of "Take It Easy," with Deacon beautifully singing and playing his father's parts.

At 24 years old, Deacon is about the same age his father was when he started the Eagles with Don Henley. While Deacon's long hair and sideburns might just be modern fashion, you can bet the sunglasses on his head are a meant as a subtle tribute to his dad.

Photo: Getty Images

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