The story of "Bella and the Nugget"

Here is the story of "Bella and the Nugget"
As most everyone knows, Im a huge advocate for animals and animal rescue/adoption.

My sister doesnt exactly share my passion and was absolutely petrified of the "PITBULL" type of dogs. Like many she was jaded because of all the bad press this gentle and loving breed gets. About 3 years ago, I took her to an adoption event with me to help out as a dog walker(without telling her what kind of dogs she would be walking)
Long story short , she spent the day with the most animated and fun loving , sweet dog named CAMO who completely stole her heart . Camo was already spoken for and was soon adopted.
     Fast forward 2 years... My Brother - in - Law ( who works in law enforcement) got a call from a colleague and friend about a pitbull who was found tied to a radiator, abandoned inside of an apartment in Newark. 
Someone agreed to look after the dog while it got vetted and checked for injury and illness. Everything checked out and aside from some basic "behavior" issues like jumping, pulling on leash, unnecessary barking... you know, things all dogs do, that were easily corrected...."BELLA" became a part of the family. 

Then... shortly after they adopted Bella,  my sister found out she was having another addition to the tribe. Baby Michael Lewis was born on January 23, 2017.
    Needless to say , my sister and her husband were nervous about how the dog might react to the new baby. They had some legitimate concerns.  I did my best to reassure them that with the proper conditioning and training and reinforcment the introductions,  that  BELLA would not only accept the new baby , but ultimately become his protector and guardian. 

As you can tell by these photos, things are progressing wonderfully. 

I've said it before and i will say it again , and again, and again....
 Animals are amazing additions to any family dynamic. They add joy, laughter, companionship and sometimes even protection.
if you're considering bringing a dog into your life, visit your local animal shelter first  before you buy from a breeder.  
    BELLA is a perfect example of a dog who came from a horribly BAD situation who would have been brought to a shelter and most likely killed with in 10 days.
It just shows that with a little care and compassion, a once neglected and abused pup has turned into the gentle loving member of the family that she is today ! ! 

I'm so proud of my sister for looking past the stereo types and seeing this great breed for what they are. SIMPLY AWESOME DOGS ! 
You too can SAVE A LIFE !!

Thanks for reading  ~

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