Friday, June 1 is National Donut Day !!
They're celebrating at Weis Markets where they bake donuts fresh every day. Weis has a huge variety of all your favorites including glazed, powdered, peanut butter filled, jelly filled, Bavarian and more! If you love their donuts, let them know at; @weismarkets on Twitter and Instagram.
from NATIONAL TODAY here are some results from a new survey in honor of today's holiday . . .
1. 51% of people say their opinion of a coworker would improve if they brought donuts to the office. But a judgmental 2% would think LESS of someone who did that.
2. 91% of Americans either love or like donuts. Only 1% hate them.
3. The 10 most popular flavors are: Glazed . . . Boston cream . . . chocolate frosted . . . jelly . . . chocolate cake . . . maple . . . blueberry . . . bear claw . . . powdered sugar . . . and pink frosted.
4. And the most popular donut chains in the country are Krispy Kreme and Dunkin' Donuts . . . which isn't surprising, since they've got the most locations by FAR. They got 81% of the total vote.
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