Tuesday is Election Day. Sussex County voters will be voting in primary elections for Senator, House Representatives, Freeholders, Surrogates and Borough Council.
The Sussex County Board of Elections has notified us of polling place changes for Tuesday:
Frankford Township voters –
District 2 located at the Municipal Building will now vote at the Normanoch Club House on Culver Lake.
Voters who normally use the Frankford Township School will now be voting at the Frankford Municipal Building
Sparta Township voters – who use the Mohawk Avenue School, will now be directed to enter the library through the rear of the building. Please follow the provided signage.
Hardyston Township voters – who vote at the Wallkill Valley Regional High School will now be directed to the gymnasium.
Vernon Township voters – who use the McAfee Firehouse will now be voting at the Dorothy Henry Library on Route 94.
Sample ballots were mailed out the week before the Primary Election. You can refer to the sample ballot for your correct polling location.
As for early voting --
The Sussex County Clerk’s Office will be open for early voting this Saturday (6/2) from 9 a.m. till noon for anyone who can’t make it to the polls on Election Day. The County Clerk’s Office is located in the Cochran House Building in Newton at 83 Spring Street, Suite 304.
Get all your voting information right here.
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