A horrible situation has just been discovered in Wantage N.J.
A rescue group being organized by Mr. Don Oriolo is working to coordinate a major rescue effort.
Here is the latest update from Dons facebook page
" It’s day three since the KITTENS WITH A MISSION and Felix have been chipping away at finding a solution to the rescuing and vetting at least 80 to 100 cats from an abandoned house in deplorable conditions. As you saw in the video I posted it’s just the tip of the iceberg, it’s horrifying conditions. From working there for only two days so far I have developed a respiratory problem which I can live with for the time being. However no one should go near the place without ...a respirator mask... yes it’s that bad. So what I’ve concluded from sussing out the situation is as follows: We need a base of operation and we have set up an account to process donations of any kind to the “PROJECT SAVE THE KITTIES”We have to codify the following with names and addresses:
We need names of: 1 WORKERS/CLEANUP/MAINTAINING RESCUED TEMORARILY CONTAINED CATS. Big job cleaning kitty litter, feeding, watering. 2. List and names and contacts of investors/donations. Btw any donator will receive a legal form giving a 100% write off with irs 3. Names of doctors who are willing to work with us and their status whether it be pro bono or a charge 4. Kathy , kathy@felixthecat.com 973-670-9373, will set up a BLUE ARROW RESCUE A/k/a “project save the kitties. “ This is a 100% tax deductible corporation All donations should be made to BLUE ARROW FARM LLC write “project save kitties” in the ledger 5 we will give everyone involved,”KITTENS WITH A MISSION “certificates and staff t-shirts to all involved. Signed by the original kittens! Blue arrow 86 Glenwood road Pine Island ny will be a drop off point from 8am to 12. For anything pertaining to PROJECT SAVE THE KITTIES. Should we do the trailer idea blue arrow will also House the trailer there till we can adopt out the kitties
Mission (at present): Trap and spay all cats One possibility is to acquire a construction trailer and build shelves with cages. The trailer would be moved to blue arrow temporarily until the vets can check medically and operate in a clean environment. This is going to be a true effort by all of us and we will need to have a specific schedule for cleaning and feeding. This must be in stone because a regular schedule is required and we certainly do not want to create the same conditions we’ve rescued them from. If we all feel this is a good idea I will find a trailer. If anyone has a better idea please share... I’m trying to move fast while people are focused. My dear friend, Steve and his girl friend are executors if an estate where the woman left money to animal rescue, and he surprised me last night with saying they will donate a sizable amount to the effort... wonderful. All of this enthusiasm demands hasty organization. And continued commitment. We can’t save every animal in the world but the ones in our own back yard we CAN !!!!!
I will personally be helping this effort. Keep listening to the NNJ Morning Show for updates and progress reports.
Thanks to everyone who has already offered their help . We WILL make a difference for those who cannot speak for themselves ! !
Here is a look at a short video of the property !
VIDEO : Don Oriolo; Facebook
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