This was an AMAZING experience yesterday . Thanks to Mike Fassilis and Giselle at the Avian Wildlife Center in Wantage NJ for allowing me to share this moment. After being struck by a car in Vernon N.J. last October29th, and spending almost a full year recovering, this beautiful Red Tailed Hawk gets a second chance at life. WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW
( **Apologies for the phone call coming in just after the birds release. The timing couldn't have been worse. Were working on a edited version which wont be so disruptive . Stay tuned**)
If you find an injured bird, you can contact Giselle at the Avian Wildlife Center.
The Avian Wildlife Center is a wildlife rehabilitation center that treats all species of injured and orphaned wild birds with the goal of returning them healthy to the wild. It is licensed by state and federal authorities to do this work, but is funded through private donations. The Center is located in northwestern New Jersey.
Avian Wildlife Center
She is even licensed to care for endangered and protected birds such as Bald Eagles, too !
Photos and video credit : Borasio
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Here are some photos of what the Hawk looked like after its accident on Oct 29, 2017!
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