NJ D.E.P. Catches Cub Instead of "Problem" Bear !

Photos : PIXABAY

This situation is getting worse and worse .... 

A few weeks ago a man in the Great Gorge Village section of Vernon reported that a bear allegedly 'charged" him causing him to fall sustaining only minor injuries. According to an article in today's  NJ HERALD   BEAR ARRESTS , " On Oct. 18, the Division of Fish and Wildlife set a trap after a man told police he was walking his dog and was charged by a bear on Oct. 14. In the man's complaint, filed on Oct. 17, he alleged the bear chased him up a set of stairs, and in the process, he suffered minor scratches after falling a couple of times." 


 In their attempt to trap a mother bear with 2 cubs they got her very young cub instead. 

According to one resident who posted to the GGV facebook page..:" The cub cried and screamed for hours and hours, this trap was left untended for a day and very late response from NJF&G after many calls from GGV and residents.  The NJF&G should all be held accountable animal cruelty as we would be" 

 NJ Herald reports further that " Around 8 p.m. Saturday, Vernon Police responded to the roughly 1,300-unit complex for a report of a young bear in the trap. 

 When patrols arrived on scene, they found three individuals -- later determined to not be residents of Great Gorge Village  two of whom were "actively engaged in releasing the bear from the trap," according to Hajna. 

 The two individuals had successfully opened the trap and released the bear". 

 Those two people were arrested. 


Below is a video taken by "The BEAR" group who is actively seeking protection for this Mother bear and her cubs, and whos members are among the ones arrested .

Photo: Borasio

Photo: Borasio. (above) This is a picture of one of the bear traps used by the  NJ D.E.P.

Photo: Borasio

Photo: Borasio 

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