Mother Nature has to be the greatest artist EVER! My absolute favorite ..
Take a look at this amazing 'event' that only happens when just the right conditions are present. This is on Corkhill Rd in Ogdensburg/Franklin area. This little underpass that sits right next to a gorgeous stream that is stocked annually by the NJDEP, with beautiful trout for local anglers.
A couple weeks ago I drove thru and to my surprise noticed this amazing display of ice cicles hanging from the ceiling of the bridge all the way to the road below. Unfottunately i didnt have my phone /camera with me to capture that particular display. The town had removed them for the saftey of drivers. ( you dont want one of those breaking off onto your car while youre under it )
Luckily , as i was heading to Nissan ofd Stanhope this satutrday ..the formations had regenerated themselves and I was able to get a few pics for you.
What kind of things like this do you have in your area ?
Share your photos with us on our facebook page !
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Phtos and video by Borasio