A Strap-On Nose Massager Tweaks Your Beak With Electric Shocks

I found this article and thought i would share simply because it says its able to be used at the office. Im not sure I could sit and take someone seriously while wearing this on their face .. LOL
" With spring on the way and countless allergens and months of unpleasant nasal congestion coming with it, the NasoCalm could be the relief many are looking for —assuming both its creators can meet an estimated delivery date of March, and that users are willing to strap the contraption to their faces. (It certainly doesn't have the same visual appeal of the VIRTUAL REALITY goggles strapped to your face.)"improve nose circulation and promote muscle contractions," which will, in turn, help relieve congestion and clear airways so users can breath easier. inside the nasal mask there are six electrodes that send electrical impulses into the skin to make muscles around the nose and nasal cavity contract

Struggling to breathe? Maybe your nose just needs a relaxing massage. Hoping to fill the gap left by popular over-the-counter decongestants that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has deemed ineffective the creators of NasoCalm want people who struggle with a stuffy nose to consider strapping an electric nasal massager to their face.

There are no moving parts on the NasoCalm, just electrodes that pass a current into the skin around the user's nose. "

Is there anything as relaxing as directly zapping your nose with an electrical current?

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