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Hopefully this is the last of the snow...

Tuesday, March 10th

Hopefully these morning snow showers are the last of the season.See what delays might be in effect today HERE

Heres what the forecast looks like for the weekend:

 Our DOUBLE PAY WORKDAY Continues!! Starting at 6am listen every hour until 9pm tonight for your special KEYWORD that you'll TEXT to 200 200 to win $1000 instantly.

At 6:45 its our 5 RANDOM FACTS for a chance at win tickets to see EagleMania – The World’s Greatest Eagles Tribute Band on Friday 4/20 at the Newton Theater. 

1.  Only two presidents have ever taken a pension:  Harry Truman, because he felt like accepting any corporate money after he was president wasn't right so he needed the money to live . . .And Herbert Hoover, who took it so Truman wouldn't be embarrassed he was the only one.

2. In computer jargon, two nibbles, make a byte! A nibble is half a byte

3. Not once in the Humpty Dumpty nursery rhyme does it mention that he's an EGG.

4. France was still executing people with a guillotine when the first "Star Wars" film came out.

5.  The most common species of armadillos, the nine-banded armadillo, nearly always gives birth to identical quadruplets.

 At 7:05 get ready to call in and answer a question about one of those questions to score the EAGLEMANIA tickets 

Never miss a minute of WNNJ with our FREE iHeart Radio app.NOW you can catch your favorite moments from the NNJ Morning show w. Borasio, Quinn, Gary Cee, and more, even if you missed them on the air.Just click PODCASTS at and search what you're looking for.'The NNJ Outdoor Minute'"'Talk to me' with Gary Cee"Or the NNJ Biker Report 

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