Thursday, November 30thPartly Cloudy, Afternoon Showers. High 47
Heres todays HOT HEADLINES:
Drawings By Presidents Trump and Kennedy Are Expected To Fetch Thousands.
**WATCH** Matt Lauer Told Katie Couric, 'Keep Bending Over'...While on Camera.
FDA Warning: 'Bone Treats' Could Kill Your Dog
Surgeon Offered to Pierce a Girl's Ears. Then Came the Bill
Its a "Tree For All" Do you know a family who might need a free Christmas tree? Tell us about this family! Click the link ABOVE and leave us a few details. Now , through Friday December 22nd, we’ll contact a nominated family each day and let them know how to receive their free Cerbo Christmas tree courtesy of 103-7 NNJ and Nielsen Auto Group * Tree must be picked up from Mohawk House *
PAY IT FORWARD for THE HOLIDAYS : This Holiday Season, you can help your family and friends in need with our 3rd annual Pay It Forward! We do this every year for our 12 Days Of Christmas. The Holidays are the perfect time to do something extra for a family in need, and that’s why we’re asking you to tell us in 500 words or less about a family going through challenges. You can Pay It Forward with a $500 Gift Card to a family in need! We will award 12 families in need for 12 days, and give them more hope for the Holidays.
Plus , listen to win a 4 pack of tickets PLUS PARKING to see Rutgers vs.Hartford Mens Basketball on Thursday Dec 28 @7PM
And... is this really an issue ?
Last month, people were weirdly outraged about Google's cheeseburger emoji. They were upset because the cheese was UNDER the patty instead of on top of it.
Anyway, I'm happy to tell you that you can stop losing sleep over Google's cheese positioning and go back to losing sleep over the billion other things wrong in the world. Google fixed the emoji, so the next time your phone updates its Android operating system, the cheese will be on top. Phew.