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Todays 5 RANDOM FACTS and more...

Thursday, March 15th...

CONGRATS to Marisa and the gang at CJ's Barber Shop in Newton.  They're our latest winners in the AG Pizz a/ NNJ Workforce Invasion contest.  You can enter your office to win HERE

HOT TOPICS:Yesterday, it was a teacher from Idaho who fed a puppy to a turtle. Today we have this...Teacher Allegedly Used Hot Sauce to Punish Special Needs Student 

Theres an update on the Puppy killed on a United Airlines flight from Houston to New York....United Airlines Could Be Held Liable Over Dead Puppy

and in case you missed this one... Woman Spends $17K On Life-Saving Treatment For 17-Year-Old Cat

Whats in the prize closet ? 

More chances to score with the Double Pay Workday ALL DAY.  Listen for a special keyword at the top of every hour ( untill 9pm) to text and  win $1000. 

 At 7:05am our "5 Random Facts" could win you $100 worth of tickets for the N.J. Lotteries new game "Back Stage Pass to Cash" Heres the 5 Random Facts: ... 

1. The expression 'to get fired' comes from long ago, when clans that wanted to get rid of unwanted people, so would burn their houses instead of killing them. Hence the term, “got fired.”

2.  Kraft Mac and Cheese came out in 1937, during the Great Depression, and it was an instant hit . . . because it could serve a family of four for 19 cents.

3.  The only English word that ends with the letters "mt" is "dreamt."

4.  The most common city name in the world is San Jose.  There are 1,716 cities, towns, villages, counties, and regions named San Jose.  San Antonio is second.

5.  Michael Jordan still earns approximately $60 million a year from his Nike endorsement . . . more than any athlete who's currently playing.

Just after 8am .. we will put someone else on our exclusive 'NNJ Guest List to see the Big Apple Comedy Club this Friday night at the Newton Theater. 


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