EWednesday , October 25th
Partly cloudy, cooler . High 63 Todays HOT HEADLINES:
Worker's Death Tied to Sandblasting With Nuts
Restaurant Blasted For Reselling Popeye's Chicken As Their Own
'Idiots of the Century' Swim Into Croc Trap
New Controversial Kentucky Law To Protect Pets Trapped in Cars
Its all about the $ $ $ $ $ here on WNNJ !!!
Starting at 6:30 this Morning its your 1st of 16 chances to score $1000 . Just listen for the special hourly keyword to text and win the DOUBLE YOUR PAY WORKDAY on 103-7 WNNJ.
Then at 7am: The NNJ / Nielsen Chevy 10K Holiday Giveaway
There are three ways to pick up a 10K Holiday Giveaway Ticket: On-site at Nielsen Chevrolet on Route 46 in Dover
On-air on WNNJ at 7a, 9a, 2p and 5p
Or Online HERE
Bring your 10K Holiday Giveaway Tickets to Nielsen Chevrolet on Saturday afternoon, November 25th –maximum of three tickets. Registration is at 2pm. At 3pm, we’ll start giving away great prizes. At 4pm, we’ll give away $10,000!!!
You must be present to win!
Nielsen Chevrolet is on Route 46 in Dover.